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How to View All Completed Tasks in Lawcus?
How to View All Completed Tasks in Lawcus?

Effortlessly track completed tasks in Lawcus.

Harsimran Singh avatar
Written by Harsimran Singh
Updated over a week ago

When you mark a task as completed in Lawcus, the task is not deleted but rather hidden from your Task List. If you wish to review your completed tasks or need to track your progress, you can easily view them using Lawcus' filtering feature. This article will guide you through the process of viewing all your completed tasks.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Click on "Tasks" in the sidebar menu to open the Task List.

  2. Click "Filter" to open the Filter Tasks pop-up window.

  3. Under Column, select "Status" from the drop-down list, select “Is” as the operator, and status as “Completed.” Your filter is now applied.

  4. Click outside the pop-up window to close it.

  5. Lawcus will now show all your completed tasks in the Task List.

Note: Viewing Incomplete Tasks: If you wish to switch back to viewing your incomplete tasks, you can use the same filtering process. Open the Filter Tasks panel again, select "Incomplete." Lawcus will then show you all your incomplete tasks.

Using the Filter Tasks feature in Lawcus allows you to easily view all your completed tasks without cluttering your Task List. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can effortlessly switch between viewing completed and incomplete tasks, helping you stay organized and on top of your workflow.

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