OneDrive for Business is a powerful file storage and synchronization service that provides a secure and convenient platform for storing and accessing documents. Lawcus' seamless integration with OneDrive allows you to easily manage your files and collaborate on matters without leaving the Lawcus platform.
Steps to Integrate OneDrive within Lawcus
Navigate to the top-right corner of the Lawcus dashboard, and click on your
Profile Avatar
, and selectSettings
.Click and expand
Apps & Integrations
, and selectFiles Integration
from the list of available integrations.Click on the
button next to OneDrive to enable the integration.You'll be prompted to provide your Office365 credentials to authenticate your OneDrive account with Lawcus.
Only one administrator can connect OneDrive to Lawcus. To collaborate on files, share the "Lawcus" folder in OneDrive with your team.
Utilizing OneDrive Integration in Lawcus
Once the integration is complete, you can seamlessly access and manage your OneDrive files within Lawcus. Here's how:
Matter Details Screen: For each matter you create in Lawcus, a dedicated folder (Matter Number) will be automatically generated in your OneDrive account. This ensures an organized and efficient document management system.
Upload and Access Files: A
OneDrive logo tab
appears next to the Files tab. Click on this tab to upload documents directly from your computer into Lawcus. These files will be automatically synced to your corresponding OneDrive folder.Collaborate with Ease: The OneDrive folder link available on the matter allows you to conveniently access the documents associated with that specific matter in your OneDrive account. This fosters seamless collaboration with your team members, enabling everyone to work efficiently.
FAQ Section
FAQ1: Why aren't OneDrive folders created for some matters?
Answer: Sometimes, the OneDrive API has difficulty creating folders for matters containing special characters like '/', ':', and others. To address this, our system applies code that re-creates folders when you access the OneDrive folder for that specific matter through Lawcus.
FAQ2: Do you help new users move files from GDrive to OneDrive?
Answer: No, we don't. But we can recommend an outsourcing firm.
FAQ3: Who can enable the OneDrive Integration?
Answer: Only the Owner of the Organization is authorized with the access to enable the integration.
FAQ4: Can more than one user have an "Owner" role designation?
Answer: An account can't have multiple owners. The owner is the only user who has authorization to set up integrations with OneDrive, and has the ability to remove other admins from the team and change their roles.