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How to integrate Dropbox with Lawcus?
How to integrate Dropbox with Lawcus?

Seamlessly sync, create, and view files in Lawcus using Dropbox integration.

Harsimran Singh avatar
Written by Harsimran Singh
Updated over a week ago

Lawcus offers seamless integration with Dropbox, allowing you to effortlessly transfer files between your computer and Lawcus and ensure they are synced to your Dropbox account. With this integration, you can create and view files and folders within Lawcus, mirroring the functionality of the Dropbox app without having to leave the Lawcus platform. Additionally, Lawcus automatically generates a dedicated folder (Matter Number) in your Dropbox account for each matter, ensuring organized storage.

Only the owner of the Organization is authorized to integrate.

Steps to Integrate Dropbox

Setting up Dropbox integration is quick and easy. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on your Avatar Icon in the screen's top right corner and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

  2. Within the Settings menu, choose Apps & Integrations.

  3. Click on Files Integration.

  4. Locate Dropbox in the list of integrations and click the Enable button to enable it.

  5. Enter your Dropbox credentials when prompted to authenticate the integration. You can also use a Google account to log in. Allow access as an when prompted.

  6. Once the integration is complete, you'll notice a new tab on the matter details screen adorned with the Dropbox logo. This tab allows you to effortlessly upload documents to Lawcus or access files that have been loaded for a specific matter within your Dropbox account.

FAQ Section

FAQ1: Who can enable the Dropbox Integration?

Answer: Only the Owner of the Organization is authorized with the access to enable the integration.

FAQ2: Can more than one user have an "Owner" role designation?

Answer: An account can't have multiple owners. The owner is the only user who has authorization to set up integrations with Dropbox, and has the ability to remove other admins from the team and change their roles.

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