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How to create custom invoice templates?
How to create custom invoice templates?

Create custom invoice templates in Lawcus to impress clients with professional, on-brand invoices and streamline your invoicing process.

Maninder Kaur avatar
Written by Maninder Kaur
Updated over a week ago

As a law firm, it's essential to present your clients with invoices that are not only professional but also in line with your brand image. Lawcus makes it easy to customize your invoices to your exact specifications and save them as templates, streamlining the invoicing process and saving you time.

In this article, we provide a step-by-step guide to creating custom invoice templates using Lawcus:

Navigating to Invoice Templates Setting

1. To access the invoice template settings, click on your user avatar in the top-right corner, then select "Settings."

2. From there, click on "Bill Settings" and then "Invoice Templates."

3. Finally, click on "Add Template" to create your new invoice template.

Theme Settings

Invoice Theme

To choose an invoice theme that fits your style, review each option to determine which one appeals to you. We recommend the Pro theme for its professional and elegant appearance, making it an excellent choice for your needs.

Theme Color

Select a theme or accent color that not only looks good but also complements your law firm's logo or branding color. If you don't have any suitable options available, you can use a search engine to find color codes that match your preferences better.

Default due date

Specify the default payment period for clients to pay the full invoice amount before it becomes overdue.

Billed to

You can customize the text labels on your invoice from "Billed To" to "Matter," "Invoice Number," "Issued Date," and "Due Date" by editing or removing them below.

Company information

You have the option to control which aspects of your law firm's details appear on the invoice by checking or unchecking relevant check boxes. By default, all checkboxes are checked.

Additionally, you can add your company logo, address, and currency to each invoice template. This feature is particularly useful if you have multiple office locations, as you can customize the invoice templates accordingly to bill your clients accurately.

​How to set different currency on invoice templates

How to setup custom logo for invoice templates

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Flat fees

In the flat fees section, you can edit or remove labels to show only the necessary details and eliminate what you don't want to display. By checking the "Show user column" checkbox, you can include the team member who provided the services being invoiced.

Time entries

In the time entries section, you have the flexibility to modify summaries that show the total hours spent on billed legal services. You can customize the label texts and choose whether to display the total hours, time entry descriptions, hourly rates, and other details.


In this section, you can include the name of the team member who provided the services being invoiced by checking the "Show user column" checkbox. Additionally, you can edit all the labels or delete the entire section as needed.

Other info

The "Other Info" section is where you can choose to display and edit additional details about the invoice, such as discounts, taxes, and the total amount due. You have the flexibility to customize this section as needed to include any other relevant information.

Default terms and note

If you wish to include terms, conditions, or any other relevant notes on your invoice, you can do so in this section. By default, these fields are disabled and only appear once you enter the content. This allows you to customize the invoice to your liking and include any necessary information for your clients.

Outstanding invoices

The section in the invoice footer displays past invoice amounts that are overdue and have not been paid by the client. You can customize this section by editing the labels or checking the respective checkboxes to choose which labels to display.

Payments Summary

The section is enabled by default to provide a summary of the amount due for the current invoice. However, if this feature doesn't suit your needs, you can uncheck the box to disable it.

Requests invoice settings

In this section, you can make changes to the credit and trust request labels on your invoice, as well as the date and description labels. You have the flexibility to disable some or all of these labels to customize the invoice to your liking.

Naming your template

Input your chosen name for the custom invoice template.

Saving your newly created invoice template

Click on "Save" located in the upper right corner of the screen.

By following these simple steps, you can create custom invoice templates that suit your law firm's needs, streamline your invoicing process, and impress your clients with professional, on-brand invoices.

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