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How to Filter Tasks in Lawcus?
How to Filter Tasks in Lawcus?

Streamline tasks in Lawcus with effective filtering. Achieve focus and efficiency! Learn how.

Harsimran Singh avatar
Written by Harsimran Singh
Updated over a week ago

Enhance your task management in Lawcus with powerful filtering capabilities. Take control of your workflow by customizing the displayed tasks and selecting from various criteria, including tags, assigned attorneys, status, and matters. Whether you need to concentrate on specific tasks or evaluate an attorney's performance, filtering empowers you to reach your objectives precisely and efficiently. Stay organized, boost productivity, and easily make informed decisions using Lawcus' intuitive task filtering tools.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to filter tasks:

  1. Locate the Tasks section in the left-hand side menu of Lawcus.

  2. Look for the "Filter" button and click on it to open the filter dialog.

  3. In the filter dialog, you have several options in the “Columns” to refine your task view:

    A. Filter by Assigned Attorney: If you want to see tasks assigned to specific attorneys, click on the "Assigned to" field. This will display a list of all members currently assigned to various tasks. Choose the attorney whose tasks you want to focus on.

    B. Filter by Status: You can filter tasks based on their completion status. In the filter dialog, you'll find options such as "View All," "Complete," or "Incomplete." Select the status that suits your requirements.

    C. Filter by Matter: To see tasks exclusively related to a specific matter, you can use the "Matter" filter option. This will display all tasks associated with the selected matter.

    D. Filter by Tag: If you have assigned tags to matters, you can use them to filter tasks. The filter dialog allows you to choose tags that matter have been associated with, helping you narrow down your task view.

    E. Filter by Due Date: Efficiently manage your tasks by filtering them based on their due dates. With Lawcus, you can easily prioritize and stay on top of deadlines by selecting specific date ranges or due dates for tasks.

    F. Filter by Task Name: Find tasks quickly by filtering them based on their names. Lawcus allows you to search for tasks using keywords or specific phrases, helping you easily locate the exact tasks you need. Stay organized and focused on the tasks that matter most to your practice.

  4. Once you open the filter dialog box, you will find three essential components: Columns, Operator, and Values, working in combination to apply filters and discover more accurate results.

    A. Columns: The Columns represent the specific attributes or categories by which you can filter your tasks. In the context of Lawcus, these attributes include options like Assigned Attorney, Status, Matter, Tag, Due Date, and Task Name. Each column corresponds to a particular aspect of your tasks that you can use for filtering.

    B. Operator: The Operator is a crucial element in determining the relationship between the filter criteria you set using the Columns and the Values you input. It defines how the data should be compared to apply the filter. Common operators include "equals," "not equals," "contains," "greater than," "less than," and more. The choice of operator helps you refine your filter conditions and narrow down your task search precisely.

    C. Values: The Values are the specific input or data you provide for the filter to match against. For example, if you choose the "Assigned Attorney" column, you can then select the specific attorney's name as the value. Similarly, for the "Status" column, the values might include "Complete" and "Incomplete.” The Values you provide will be compared using the selected Operator against the data in the chosen Column to filter and display the relevant tasks.

  5. Once you select one or a combination of filters, Lawcus will automatically filter the result for you. Just click outside the dialog box to close it. Now, the tasks panel will display only the tasks that match your specified filters.

    Note: If you ever want to clear the filters and view all tasks again, simply reopen the filter dialog and click the "X" button to reset the filters. You can also use this method to modify your filter.

By following these steps, you can easily filter tasks in Lawcus to focus on specific criteria and streamline your workflow efficiently.

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