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How to Export Data from Amicus

Seamless Migration from Amicus

Devanshi Kackar avatar
Written by Devanshi Kackar
Updated over a week ago

Transitioning from one legal practice management software to another can be a significant endeavor. To ensure this process is as smooth as possible, we offer a streamlined data migration service that takes approximately 2-3 weeks, allowing you to continue your work with minimal disruption.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to export data from Amicus so you can go ahead and make it a hassle.

1. Export date from Amicus Cloud
2. Export data from Amicus Attorney Premium
3. Amicus Attorney Small Firm

Exporting Data from Amicus Cloud

Amicus Cloud does not offer native exporting capabilities, but retrieving your data for migration or other purposes is a straightforward process. Here's how you can do it:

1. Get in touch with Amicus Support and request a database export in either BACPAC or BAK format.
You have to email the support team at with the registered Amicus Cloud email ID and ask for the full backup.

The support team will provide the backup details in the next 24-48 hours. Please share the backup files/links with us.

2. Once you receive the database export file from Amicus, pass it on to our migration team. We'll handle all the intricate details involved in importing your data seamlessly into Lawcus.

Exporting Data from Amicus Attorney Premium

To export, you must have access to the server and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express installed beforehand.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio Express on your server and connect to the server.

  2. In the SQL Server Management Studio Express, expand the Databases section.

  3. Right-click on the specific database you want to back up, then select Tasks > Back up.

  4. In the Back-Up Database window, please ensure the Database field shows the database name you intend to back up.

  5. By default backup type is Full.

  6. Click Remove to clear the default or last backup file name.

  7. Click Add to open the Select Backup Destination window.

  8. Click the [...] button located next to the File Name field.

  9. In the Locate Database Files window, you can choose the folder where you want to save the backup file. By default, it may be "..\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup."

  10. In the File Name field, provide a name for this backup, ensuring it has a ".bak" extension. For example, "abc.bak".

  11. Click OK to close the "Locate Database Files" window.

  12. Click OK again to close the "Select Backup Destination" window.

  13. Initiate the backup process by clicking OK.
    **You'll see a progress icon in the lower-left corner.

Exporting Data from Amicus Attorney Small Firm

1. Log in to Amicus Attorney Small Firm.

2. Navigate to the desired data category:

- For Matters, Names, Events, and Notes, go to File > Reports > [Select Your Category].

3. Click Report, choose your preferred report, and click Done.

4. Access the Query Manager by selecting Query > Query Manager.

5. Pick the query you want to utilize and click Done.

6. To set your output preferences, click Output to.

7. Select Data-Merge File and click Done.

8. Opt for Comma-Separated as your format of choice.

9. Initiate the export process by clicking Print and save it in the desired location.

NOTE: The file name should conclude with ".csv" (e.g., report.csv).

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