How to create an eSign template

A step-by-step guide to create eSign templates, making the document signing process quicker and more efficient.

Maninder Kaur avatar
Written by Maninder Kaur
Updated over a week ago

In today's digital age, electronic signatures have become a standard way to sign documents. Attorneys, in particular, rely heavily on signed documents to establish proof of certification of the content in legal documents. To save time and effort, you can create eSign templates that allow you to quickly deploy frequently-used legal documents without having to format them every single time.

Here's how to create an eSign template in just a few simple steps:

  1. Click Automation on the side-bar menu

  2. Select eSign Templates from the options available.

  3. Click "New Template" to create a new eSign template.

  4. Enter a template name and upload the document that needs a signature.

  5. Review the signature request email subject and message to ensure they're appropriate.

  6. Add signer roles, such as "Client" or "Witness," and a CC recipient if necessary.

  7. Select all relevant merge tags for the template, which will automatically populate with the corresponding signer's information, then click on Prepare.

  8. Drag and drop relevant fields onto the template, matching them to the previously-selected merge tags.
    NOTE - Select sender from the signers to use the Textbox field to add merge fields.

  9. Add signature and initials fields for all previously-created signer roles.

  10. Click Continue to save and close the dialog.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create eSign templates quickly and easily, streamlining your workflow and saving you time and effort in the long run.

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