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How to Create eSign Template Using Text Tags
How to Create eSign Template Using Text Tags

eSign Template

Maninder Kaur avatar
Written by Maninder Kaur
Updated over a week ago

Automating the process of appending signatures infrequently-used legal documents through eSign templates cumulatively saves you time and effort that can be channeled into other productive aspects of your legal practice.

And with text tags, you get to add e-signature fields and custom fields right into the source document, eliminating the need to build a considerable number of eSign templates with many variants.

To create a fresh eSign document template using text tags:

  1. Open a frequently-used document in any word processor

  2. Scroll down to where you want to place an eSign field

  3. Copy and paste the eSign text tag

    Note: In addition to the relative size of the field, you may indicate whose signer the field is for, what kind of field it is, and whether or not the field is needed.

    Example of Text Tag - [text|noreq|signer1|Label|UniqueId]

    Here are the different elements of text tags and what they each stand for:

    For more details on how to use 'Text Tags,' click here.

  4. Save the document

  5. Go to the Automation side-bar menu.

  6. Click Document Templates

  7. Click Add to upload the new eSign document template.

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